
We, at SJFMC, adhere to best industry practices for advising wealth investors with a team of chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Chartered Accountants. We believe that investment is a process that is the sum of the team's research, analysis, insight and collective view of its investment philosophy. We suggest portfolio approach for all types of investors to achieve their financial goals. And consult right from assessment of the financial desires of the varied investors, undertaking Investor profiling & Risk tolerance assessment, Devising a Investment Policy statement at the planning stage, to complete assistance in execution and monitoring stage.

1. Planning Stage

Preparation of Investment policy statement

Benefits of Investment policy statement
  1. Objectives & Constraints are considered in formulating investment decision which benefits the client.
  2. The process is dynamic and allows changes in the circumstances to be incorporated
  3. It states long term objective of the investor
  4. Subsequent Managers will be able to implement decision in congruent with individual goals.

2. Execution Stage

We are AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor for the last fourteen years and are registered with all the leading mutual funds. SJFMC's technology platform ensure optimum level of ease and satisfaction for

  1. Devising a Asset allocation strategy

    As a part of portfolio based / goal based financial advisory, we recommend investments along with following broad category of Assets.

    1. Equity :
      • Equity Investment through Mutual Funds

        One of the efficient ways of investment for an investor is through Equity & Balance Mutual Funds Mutual Funds

      • Direct Equity Investments

        We also advice on the PMS Products available in the market for investment directly in the Indian equity market .We are registered with leading providers of PMS for facilitating your investment in them.

    2. Fixed Income Instruments

      The two major asset classes are Equities and Fixed Income Securities. In its simplest form, a fixed income security is a financial obligation of an entity that promises to pay a specified sum of money at specified future dates.

      SJFMC provides Fixed Income instruments such as:

      1. Corporate Deposits
      2. Debenture Bonds of Indian Corporate.
      3. Debt Mutual Funds & Liquid Funds Mutual Funds
      4. Tax savings bonds U/s 54 for capital gains.
      5. Tax Free Bonds.

      All these investment options are available both in the Primary and Secondary markets.

    3. Alternate Investments.

      As a result of diversification benefits and higher expectations of investment returns, investors are increasingly turning to alternative investments. The major categories of Alternative investments include:

      1. Real Estate
      2. Private Equity
      3. Venture Capital
      4. Hedge Funds
      5. Closely Held Companies
      6. Distressed Securities
      7. Commodities
  2. Comparing and contrasting the types of investment products in each of the asset classes
  3. Assist transaction execution with the investors.

3. Monitoring stage

It involves
  1. Review of the Investment policy statement at periodic intervals.
  2. Review of the portfolio at periodic Intervals.
  3. Online platform